Support Info
Restrictions For Power Office and Webigami Based Products
Last Updated: 01/01/2022
Aestiva has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to spam, violence, hate, and child endangerment. This section outlines those policies.
If you know of or suspect any violators please notify your Aestiva Account Coordinator (AC) immediately.
No Spam
You may not use Aestiva servers to send unsolicited communications involving email, voice calls and text messaging. Accounts found to be sending spam of any kind will have their campaign tool immediately deactivated.
Spam is against the law. The US federal anti-spam law went into effect on January 1st, 2004. The law empowers the US federal government to enforce the law with penalties that can include fines and imprisonment for up to 5 years. Whether you reside in the US or not, and whether your communications are via voice, text, or email, Aestiva requires you to abide by the law, the policies of our text carriers, the policies of our voice carriers, and our own no spam policies.
Respect Aestiva Servers
Aestiva policy is that you can store any kind of legal information privately in your account but you cannot use Aestiva servers to intentionally or accidentally publish (or provide public access to) certain materials.
If you have hateful, violent or obscene materials on our servers, please take special precautions to safeguard these materials from the public. In the event we are alerted to the ability of the public to access such materials on Aestiva servers, even if such information is legal under the law, Aestiva reserves the right to take the actions it sees fit to protect the public and how the public perceives Aestiva, even if this means disabling your account.
Aestiva will carefully consider the details before deciding to take action when such materials are brought to our attention.
No Violence.
You cannot publish information of an explicitly violent nature from Aestiva servers. It is offensive to many people. The defense "others in the media do it" is not a defense. Aestiva will take the necessary actions to protect the public and itself from what it deems gratuitous and offensive violence.
Steps To Live By.
• Respect people who are sensitive to violent materials.
• Segregate your violent materials so they can be managed properly.
• Do not place violent materials on any "public-facing" Web pages.
• Materials that promote or glorify violence.
• Materials that promote those who glorify violence.
• Materials that promote and encourage terrorism.
• Materials that promote and encourage violent felons.
• Magazines and comics depicting violence.
No Hate.
You cannot use Aestiva servers to make hateful information available to the public. Period.
Steps To Live By.
• Respect people who are offended by hateful materials.
• Segregate your hateful materials so they can be managed properly.
• Do not place hateful materials on any "public-facing" Web pages.
• Materials that promote racial, sexual, or religious intolerance.
• Materials that promote or glorify hatred.
• Materials that include the portray of victims of hate.
• Promotion of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other hate organizations.
• Promotion of Nazi and Nazi-related materials.
• Delivery of racially or ethnically offensive language.
No Obscenity or Pornography
You cannot use Aestiva servers to make obscene or pornographic materials available to the public. We understand the topic of whether such material is harmful to children is up to legitimate debate, but as a company, Aestiva respects parents' rights and requires you do the same.
Some Tips To Live By
• Respect people are offended by obscenities and pornography.
• Segregate your obscene materials so they can be managed properly.
• Do not place such materials on any "public-facing" Web pages.
• Grave-related items, skulls and skeletons.
• Organs, bones, blood, waste products, body fluids.
• Adult items and sex toys.
• Materials that degrade women.
For Further Reading
The following links expand on the topics of spam, hate, violence, and obscenity. - The Coalition Against Unsolicited Email - Freedom of Speech In The US - Hate Crime Laws in the US - Violence Against Women - Sexual Harassment - Effects of Pornography - President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography