RSOs | Research Service Orders (RSOs) are executed by our internal production (PROD) and engineering (ENG) teams, managed by our Account Coordinator (AC) team, and escalated to our Senior Management (SM) team, when necessary.
Aestiva charges $1,960 per day for RSOs. RSOs are invoiced daily. Days are calculated from the time work was initiated to the time completed. Fractional days worked are billed at a full day.
To suspend or cancel this RSO, email your Aestiva Account Coordinator. Aestiva will set the completion time to the date and time of your cancellation notice and cancel future work on this RSO.
RSOs are limited to a single incident per day. RSOs do not cover the remedies that may be recommended.
Business Process Service Orders (BPSOs) are executed by our internal engineering (ENG) and Senior Management teams and managed by our Account Coordinator (AC) team.
BPSOs are for situations where Aestiva's engineering team, business process experts, and the customer collaborate to understand and solve and/or resolve an issue.
Aestiva charges $1,960 per BPSO.
BPSOs are limited to 2 hours of conference time and 4 hours for research and documentation.
DSOs | Development Service Orders are orders for production development services. DSOs are coordinated by Aestiva's AC team, production (PROD) staff, and when needed, Aestiva engineers and engineering managers.
Aestiva charges $1,960 per day for DSOs. Days are calculated from the time work was initiated to the time completed. Fractional days worked are billed at a full day.
To suspend or cancel a DSO, email your Aestiva Account Coordinator. Aestiva will set the completion time to the date and time of your cancellation notice and cancel future work on the DSO.
Each DSO is limited to one day of work (8 hours) of AC coordination, production, engineering and internal management time. DSOs do not cover research, installations, upgrades, transfers, training, and testing.
ESOs | Engineering Service Orders are orders for engineering services. ESOs are used to change Aestiva platforms
including Aestiva Array, Aestiva Power Office, and the Webigami platform.
ESOs are requested by Aestiva's AC team, and executed by Aestiva engineers and engineering managers.
Aestiva charges $3,700 per day for ESOs. Days are calculated from the time work was initiated to the time completed. Fractional days worked are billed at a full day.
To suspend or cancel an ESO, email your Aestiva Account Coordinator. Aestiva will set the completion time to the date and time of your cancellation notice and cancel future work on the ESO.
Each ESO is limited to one day of work (8 hours) of AC coordination, engineering and internal management time. ESOs do not cover production, research, installations, upgrades, transfers, training, and testing.
TSOs | Transfer Service Orders cover install support for the on-premise to on-premise move of Aestiva Array and Power Office.
TSOs are managed by Aestiva's AC team, and are supported by Aestiva's production team, Aestiva's engineering team, and managers when appropriate.
A TSO covers:
- Prep Meeting For Test Move
- Support for Install of Aestiva Array
- Support For Transfer To Test
- Support for Upgrade of Aestiva Array
- Support for Upgrade of Power Office
- Hand-off to Aestiva App Team
- Customer Sign-off of test
- Prep Meeting For Go-Live
- Coordination with Aestiva App Team
- Support For Transfer to Live
- Support for Upgrade of Aestiva Array
- Support for Upgrade of Power Office
- Support for Redirect to Live
Aestiva charges $2,470 per TSO.
This TSO does not cover support for Windows server administration, new features, fixes, or other application changes. When needed, these items are billed separately. Work is limited to a total of 1.5 days of AC, production, engineering and management time.
USOs |
Upgrade Service Orders are managed by Aestiva's AC team, and executed by Aestiva's production team and Aestiva's engineering team and managers when appropriate.
A USO covers:
- Define Transfer/Upgrade Plan With Customer
- Help With Array Installation/Upgrade
- Help With Power Office Upgrade
- Help With Trial Run
- Help With Final Upgrade
Aestiva charges $2,470 per USO.
This USO does not include the services for new features, fixes, changing servers, or server administration (how to configure servers, web servers, email servers, DNS, firewalls, ports, networks, routers, security, file permissions, etc.). Limited to 1.5 days of AC, production, engineering, and management time.
WSOs |
Windows Service Orders are MS Windows™ server configuration services used to solve on-premise issues. They are used when customer talent is not available.
WSOs are coordinated by Aestiva's team of ACs, and executed by outsourced (US-based) MS Windows engineers, and when needed, Aestiva's production (PROD) staff, engineering teams and engineering managers.
Aestiva charges $1,960 per WSO.
By making this purchase customer explicitly warrants to Aestiva they have safely backed up their data and they will not hold Aestiva responsible for any loss of data, loss of service, or other damages that can arise from changes to the configuration of a server environment.
Other Limitations
This WSO does not include the services for new features, fixes, and upgrade management. WSOs are not a replacement for server administration (how to configure servers, web servers, email servers, DNS, firewalls, ports, networks, routers, security, file permissions, etc.). WSOs are limited to 1 day of total Windows Specialist, AC, production, engineering, and management time.
ISOs |
Installation Service Orders are installation services to install or upgrade, test, and deploy a module or product. They
are coordinated by Aestiva's team of ACs, and executed by Aestiva's production staff and when needed,
Aestiva's engineering teams and engineering managers.
An ISO covers:
-- Define Installation Plan With Customer
-- Configuration of product or module.
-- Help With Array Installation/Upgrade, if applicable, on test.
-- Help With Power Office Upgrade, if applicable, on test.
-- Help with Application installation, if applicable, on test.
-- Help With Array Installation/Upgrade on live.
-- Help With Power Office Upgrade on live
-- Help with product or module installation on live.
Aestiva charges $2,470 per ISO. See limitations below.
This ISO does not include the services for new features and administration training. ISOs are limited to 1 day of total AC, production, engineering, and engineering management time applied to a single product or module. For example, the setup and configuration of a product plus two modules requires 3 ISOs.
Systems Integration Service Orders (SISOs) are executed by our production and engineering (ENG) and Senior Management teams, when needed. They and managed by the Account Coordinator (AC) team.
SISOs are used for fully automated file exchanges between Aestiva systems and external systems.
A SISO covers:
File inspection.
Deployment planning.
Coding/Mapping, if needed.
Installation on Test.
Installation on Live.
Aestiva charges $2,940 per SISO.
SISOs are limited to one file exchange. For example, an integration requiring 3 file exchanges
requires 3 SISOs.
PMSOs | PRoject Management Service Orders are orders for project coordination services. PMSOs are executed by a dedicated AC with the help of business managers.
Aestiva charges $7,000 per month per AC for PMSOs. Months are calculated from the time the PMSO was opened to the month ended. Fractional months are billed at a full month.
To suspend or cancel a PMSO, email your Aestiva Account Coordinator.
PMSOs can be used to help roll out Aestiva products across the country, provide coordination between different groups,
provide liaison services between corporate and their affiliates, training services, and other project management tasks.
Each PMSO is limited to one dedicated Aestiva staff member during Aestiva business hours. PMSOs do not cover research, installations, upgrades, transfers, development, travel, and testing. Aestiva business time (AC plus Aestiva management) is limited to 40 hours per PMSO per month.