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Chaos Under Control

Chaos is from the Greek word Khaos, meaning "gaping void". It implies a condition of great disorder and confusion. A small amount of chaos can cause huge changes. Controlling chaos is a fundamental requirement of business systems.

Let's say as an example you are trying to use the data in your Power Office system to generate reports or even to integrate with an external system. If the end users can put in data without controls all sorts of trouble will happen. Your reports may end up showing an error instead of a proper answer. Your integrations could fail and lead to more work correcting problems. Even worse, everything may seem ok but you could make decisions based on incorrect data. The cause could be as simple as someone writing "2..1" instead of "2.1", or typing "the widget" instead of "widget".

Power Office systems are designed and built to avoid information chaos. Can your users type anything they want into any field? Does the system accept this without complaint or warning? On a small scale this may not be that big of a deal but when you are dealing with 100's and 1000's of users and electronic forms this can quickly wreak havoc on your reports, data integrity and integrated processes.

Defining what can and can't be entered in the initial system design can save you headaches down the road and keep your data the way you need it. It may not be important now, but if your ultimate plan for your company is to increase its operational quality you want to take precautions in the beginning to avoid issues down the road.

Aestiva Power Office systems are configured to control how users enter data. It is done in the initial system setup and can be added to existing systems.

Want to report on a field? Aestiva recommends you require the user select from a set of options? Need an amount to be entered? Aestiva would require the entry be a number, a fraction, or a date. If not entered correctly the system can prompt you to enter it correctly. Need to enter a number of minutes -- that should be rounded of to the nearest 15 minute increments? This can be done too.

These are basic ways chaos in a Power Office system can be controlled.

This blog article was posted By Dan Yerelian. Mr. Yerelian is an independent consultant who supports Aestiva Power Office. For contact information, visit the website.

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